Roles in Software Project: Assemble perfect teams for success

Connect with the world's premier software developers, designers, data scientists, finance experts, product managers, and project managers in your time zone.

Professionals who can solve all your issues right now.

Outsourcing: Accelerate Your Remote Team in Just Four Weeks. Experience rapid team growth through our outsourcing services. We can help you ramp up a highly skilled remote team that aligns with your project requirements in just four weeks. Benefit from the efficiency of our streamlined processes and expertise in assembling and managing virtual teams.

Managed Teams: Fast-Track Your Projects in a Matter of Days. Need to kickstart your project quickly? Leverage our freelance solutions and begin your project within days. With access to our extensive network of top-tier freelancers, you can swiftly gather the talent you need to hit the ground running. Experience unparalleled flexibility and efficiency with our freelance services.

Recruitment: Strengthen Your Internal Team with Ease. Elevate your internal team’s capabilities through our recruitment services. Our experienced specialists will assist in identifying and attracting exceptional talent that perfectly complements your existing team. Let us streamline the recruitment process, saving you time and effort while bolstering your internal workforce.

Our Services

With expertise spanning the latest technologies, we deliver unparalleled talent for seamless collaboration and outstanding results.

How do we start? Making it easy, seamless, and measurable

We aim to support your unique business needs by tailoring our services accordingly. Together, we'll identify the perfect solutions to propel your business forward. Schedule a discovery call to embark on this transformative journey and reinvent how you build projects.

1Tell us what you need

Whether you’re looking for a single contractor or a cross-functional team of ten or more, Belatrix has the talent you require. Our amazing staff team of experts will carefully review your job description, facilitating clear communication and gaining a deeper understanding of your precise requirements. Expect prompt assistance and answers to your questions as we strive to deliver the ideal talent match for you.

Once we’ve established what you need, we will agree on a team plan that aligns with your project goals and timelines. At Belatrix, we believe in a partnership approach, in which we work closely with you to define the team’s scope, scale, and structure that will best serve your project’s objectives. We’ll discuss the necessary skill sets, the ideal number of team members, the project management methodologies to be employed, and the key performance indicators that will guide our collaboration. Our commitment is to ensure that the agreed-upon team plan sets the foundation for a successful and productive working relationship.

With a clear team plan in place, we’re ready to hit the ground running. You can expect a smooth onboarding process as we integrate our skilled professionals with your existing workflows. At Belatrix, we prioritize transparency and accountability, so you can access regular updates and progress reports. We employ the latest tools and practices to monitor project milestones, ensuring that we stay on track and adapt to any changes swiftly. Our goal is to keep you informed every step of the way, so you can see your vision taking shape in real-time. Ready to get started? Request a callback, and let’s begin this journey together.

Why people trust us

Streamline your talent acquisition process. Finding the best talent can be a challenge for companies of all sizes. Whether aligning candidate qualifications, managing team dynamics, or meeting budget constraints, the struggle is real.

Principal Product Designer

Area Product Design

The staff's ability to focus on the big picture is second to none. Their profound knowledge of data visualization allows us to have a solution for every problem. I have never worked with someone with a proven solution for many issues.


Research and Development

I'm particularly impressed with the one-on-one attention the Delivery Manager gives to each Glober. It's a proactive approach that not only highlights the good but also quickly addresses any issues, ensuring we tackle challenges together and continue to strengthen our partnership.

Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineering

Working with Globant has been enriching. Their talented team, quick responses, and adaptability are pivotal. They are integral to our team, embodying collaboration and shared goals.

Product Manager


Engaging with Globant professionals is a joy. Their skills, collaborative environment, and exceptional work make them my preferred partners. Thank you, Globant, for everything!